The Blog

Are you 'going through the motions? How being intentional makes all the difference revelyoution Apr 15, 2018

Are there places in your life where you know that you are 'just going through the motions'?

You will never find your edge, you will just keep 'doing a good job'.

We want to bust through the boundary of 'good', and we can only do that by being intentional, by focusing, by being thoughtful.

When you are good, when you are confident, when you are a high functioning indiviudal who has enjoyed some modicum of success...there is also a high risk that you will become complacent. Whe you are 'so...

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Authentic, High Impact Leadership - It's a brave new world, where are the leaders? career leadership Apr 15, 2018

No doubt you've noticed...the world feels a bit like it's taken a trip with Alice through the Looking Glass.

The negativity in the air is thick, the vitriol we are all exposed to on a daily basis is both toxic, and nearly unavoidable.

The world is desperately calling for leaders. Calling for leadership.

And yet....all but crickets on the leadership front.

To be fair, there are amazing beacons of light out there. Individuals who are rising to the challenges of our day, making themselves...

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Impact Planning - rethink the way you plan! career revelyoution Apr 15, 2018

The end of 2017 is fast approaching, and many of you have likely been working on budgets, year-end reports and other tracking information at work.  Indeed, it seems that everyone wants data, plans and analysis in the final hours of the calendar year, all aimed at setting the table for a productive and profitable new year.

But what are you doing to set yourself up for an impactful and meaningful 2018?

Just as a business tracks its annual outputs and progress, so too should you take some...

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Lighten Up mindset revelyoution Apr 14, 2018

I’m consistently amazed at how serious people are.

Or maybe I should say, at how ‘seriously they take themselves’ and their work.

Somehow humor and levity seem to have been sucked out of our homes and the workplace. The world seems to have an air of heaviness and thickness that permeates pretty much everything.

Those who can approach this ‘heaviness’ with a sense of humor and light stand out in the crowd.

Who doesn’t want to feel good? Who doesn’t...

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Fear doesn't care if you're scared - So get on with it! mindset revelyoution Apr 14, 2018

We are preparing for a Hurricane here in Florida. A big one. Now, I'm a mountain girl, and the whole concept of preparing for an act of God to potentially wipe you off the map is slightly intimidating to me. In fact it's absolutely terrifying! There is a pervasive feeling in the air, as ethereal and icky as a spiderweb that you accidentally stepped into, or an itch you can't scratch: Fear.

We don't typically get many opportunities to experience real 'fear' in our first world lives...

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The rising tide lifts all boats leadership revelyoution Apr 14, 2018

We look to leaders to drive results, to set the tone for an organization's culture, to think strategically, and use high levels of discernment and judgment to ensure they are setting and maintaining the best possible path forward. Cultivating high performance habits, and demonstrating the discipline of leadership throughout one's career is no small feat. However,  even those high standards do not quite capture what we can, and should expect of our leaders. Nor do they capture the scope...

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