The Blog

Your biggest fear holds your greatest opportunity Apr 14, 2018

Are you afraid?

Maybe you don’t call it fear, maybe you call it something else.

How about this…

What are you missing out on?

Is the fear of missing out drowning you?

Fear is the ultimate paralyzer. And even the most high achieving person you’ve ever met has experienced its affects at some point in their personal and professional lives.

As parents, we are fearful that we aren’t exposing our kids to the right experiences, that we are spoiling them, that we are not...

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Uncertainty leads to Inaction -how to overcome doubt & go for it! Apr 14, 2018

Diving into the actions that will lead you to your 'dream life' can be incredibly daunting. As much as we may aspire to live more fully, to push ourselves to bigger, bolder things, we may also have an equal amount of fear and hesitation tethering us to the status quo. We may doubt ourselves. We may doubt our resources, our abilities, our support, our commitment.

Change is hard. There is no doubt about it.

And pursuing an unknown future at the possible expense of current comfort does not...

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Ode to Mom Apr 14, 2018

Mother's Day is a more complex holiday than our brunch and flower-filled culture gives it credit for. I love the idea of celebrating motherhood. But if you peel back the curtain on this day of card-giving and perfume, there is quite literally blood, sweat, and tears.

It is a day to celebrate the best of humanity. The love of mother and child. The blessings of family. And indeed those are all amazing reasons to celebrate.

But there is so much more.

My own mother is a tiny powerhouse of...

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You've still got to do the work! Apr 14, 2018

It's been a while since I posted any career-related items, and this one has been sitting with me for a while. As I work with my clients, and push them to explore their potential in work and in life, there is one thing that stands out as both a 'no brainer', and huge red flag for me. I don't bump into this often, but I still feel that it's worth addressing.

You see, there are some people who frankly do not believe that they actually have to work.

For real! I'm not kidding.

For all of the...

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Productivity (get more done by doing less) Apr 14, 2018

Productivity is  where the rubber meets the road. The best laid plans in the world won't see the light of day, unless you are productive, that is EFFECTIVELY using your time to get to your goals.

However, this is where our culture has gotten it wrong, and where you have likely found yourself victim to the trap of the cult of 'busy'.

You see, being 'busy' is not necessarily being 'productive'. In fact the two can be mutually EXCLUSIVE.

I found myself in this very situation, when after...

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Energy- how to get it, and why you need it Apr 14, 2018

Today I'm going to dive into the second critical  High Performance concept, and that is ENERGY!
I have to admit, this one is my Achilles heel. I have NEVER been a high-energy person, in fact, quite the opposite. As a kid I was asleep before the car pulled out of the driveway, I struggled to stay awake in school, and I typically required lots of pressure from my friends to get up and go out! I know, kind of a downer, but I truly couldn't help it!

In hindsight, I know that I was likely...

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